Friday, September 20, 2024

Book Review: Second Chance on Sunset Island

Title: Second Chance on Sunset Island 

Author: Miranda Stone

Date: 2023

Quote: "He never showed up, never called, and we never spoke again."

Jonathan's a player of the dating game, but we're asked to believe that through all his dating adventures he's remembered Shawna, the girl he liked so much he wimped out of showing up for their one and only date.

Is this believable? Maybe. Jonathan and Shawna have independently gone into the same line of business, he as an heir, she as an entrepreneur. He wants to recruit her talent. 

Jonathan and Shawna are--by such a terrible mistake--forced to share the same suite in the hotel, where they sleep in separate rooms and avoid seeing each other in the shower despite their raging hormones. 

Is this believable? Maybe. There are a few possible explanations when a "compromising situation" does not actually compromise a young couple's virtue. They can be unusually committed to their moral ideals; we're not told that that applies to Shawna and Jonathan. They can be unusually sensitive to each other's emotions; we're told that that's the case with Shawna and Jonathan. Or they may not really be all that interested in each other...for whatever reason.

This situation, believably enough, tightens the emotional tension between the couple, Everyone knows that when a couple who are not siblings, and don't feel like siblings, are able to live together like siblings, either they love each other beyond rational explanation or they don't love each other at all, and they're probably having a wonderful, terrible time trying to work out which. 

This being a romance, it's a foregone conclusion that Shawna'a s and Joanthan's wedding will occur right after the wedding that draws them together. There will be enough plot to give them something to quarrel and make up over. I don't want to spoil any suspense about the details, but for anyone looking for a short, sweet romance, this will be a fun read. 

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