Sunday, September 15, 2024

Web Log for 9.13-14.24

Spending more time reading e-mail and less time reading blogs makes a heavy link log every time. At least I found some music links to lighten up the end of this log.


Free speech advocates want to stay away from Dunkin Donuts:


Trailer for a forthcoming book, no doubt. There'll be enough evidence for a book and we, the censored, want all of it to be printed.

Glyphosate Awareness 

"Using up existing suppies"? Commercial fertilizer was found to be so full of glyphosate it killed the crops it was supposed to have fertilized.


Another public-spirited tip for the Kingsport Times-News. Chapter and verse from Dr. Malone explains why the Times-News s allowing certain columnists to froth all over their editorial pages. 

organizations like ProPublica, which are entirely funded by philanthropic dollars. As the news business has hemorrhaged subscribers and advertisers in recent years, many newspapers, magazines, and websites have looked to such organizations for financial support. Some of that support is helping struggling publications survive in areas where there might otherwise be a ‘news desert.’ But much of it is linked to a particular set of ideological goals.

Malone MD MS, Robert W . Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (p. 392). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition. 

But it's a vicious cycle, really. Very few if any people in your audience are interested in reading the incessant hostility, at times spiking into psychotic fugues, with which certain non-local columnists routinely slander and insult your readership. You can't rebuild circulation with column space for morons who think it's even a tenable game plan to carry on the "Republican equals racist" canard. Stop demeaning Black women by letting that wretched specimen who's been donated to you disgrace herself in public. When that "Cynthia" writes something, it's like when somebody's grandmother forgets who her children are. You want to cover up the disgrace, like Noah's good sons Shem and Japheth, and not let the person's shame be seen. 


I don't care for the title, but, for those who are looking for new tunes that are (or can be) played on acoustic instruments and are not dominated by snare drum noise:

This one is just pretty.

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