Title: Order of Swans
Author: Jude Deveraux
Date: 2025
Publisher: Harlequin
ISBN: 978--7783-6842-7
Quote: "Kaley had joined every ancestry site...on each one, her ancestry had come back partially as "unknown.""
That's because her real ancestors came from the alternate universe from which our fairy tales come. Kaley lost her mother long ago. Her best friend, who was also her mother's husband, has been preparing her to go back to her home world. The story of her adventures there isn't like the predictable romances we associate with Harlequin; it's a lively adventure story that mashes up elements from fairy tales and does not focus on the protagonist's physical attraction to one man.
With a little help from new friends of various species, Kaley learns how to use magical healing feathers and saves a tribe whose men and women have been separated by an oppressive royal order, and more.
Skillful, successful author. Well told tale. And, yes, there's a fiction-proportionate probability of happily-ever-after when Kaley chooses a mate at the end. This book is not what Deveraux usually writes or what Harlequin usually publishes, but fans of the author and/or the publisher should enjoy this little variation on their usual offerings.
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