Well...we are still looking at the pets who weren't adopted in 2023, either, despite our efforts to publicize how cute their Petfinder photos are.
Old George from NYC
His web page: https://www.petfinder.com/cat/george-60879712/ny/new-york/anjellicle-cats-rescue-ny488/
They think this lovable neutered male has lived with HIV for more than eleven years now. He does have some special needs. He's likely to do best indoors, as an only cat, in an all-adult house. But they say he's healthy and lives a normal indoor-cat life, liking to play with toys, scratch a post, and even watch cat videos on television, and of course snooze on the couch beside his human.
He looks large in that photo but they say that, in real life, he's a medium-size cat.
Cliff from NYC
...has not been updated since 2022, when he was rescued from an unhappy situation. At the time of posting he was gaunt and had some skin lesions. This is probably not the way he looks after more than a year as a shelter dog.
Big Sky from Atlanta
Well, he is big--85 pounds, as photographed, obviously not overweight. And as of 2024 he was only starting to get some training in basic dog etiquette. He was one of those big dogs who jump up in people's faces, put their paws on people's shoulders, and could actually knock a person down. (I detested dogs like that when I was smaller than they were. In vain people assured me that the dogs were showing affection. I did not want their affection. The list of dogs I actually liked, and the upper weight limit for the dogs on that list, grew every year right along with me. Anyway, a small child might not love this dog.)
But he's the perfect redneck-chic dog accessory. He's said to be friendly and good-natured, and to be doing well in basic training. And there is no charge for adopting this Old Yeller look-alike. There will of course be a substantial cost for dog food, but you can take him home for free. He's been sponsored.
Emily from Garwood
Her web page: https://www.petfinder.com/cat/emily-48338525/nj/garwood/willow-rescue-foundation-inc-nj923/
It has to be the shelter's fault that this fluffball has not been adopted! She is admittedly very small for an adult cat--only six pounds, healthy weight--and shy until she gets to know people. She is a Listening Cat. She answers to her name. Although spayed, she's bonded with a neutered male. They call him Romeo and say the two cats' history is "a love story for the ages"! The pair have been in a shelter for two years now. Romeo, who is in some of Emily's photos at her web page, has short black hair.
The problem? The shelter staff demand too much information in e-mail. That's it. That's all. If you live in New Jersey or New York City, it would be a good thing to send them flaming, howling rebukes and demand that they put their real-world names and addresses online because you need to be sure you're not adopting an animal with worms or fleas. There is no way Emily and Romeo would not have been adopted if their web page didn't look like such a total scam.
Lady from Blountville may have found a purrmanent home.
Now we're getting to the list of animals who've been featured here only one time before.
Will may have been adopted.
Pippen may have been adopted.
Connie the Collie Mix from NYC
...still describes her as a puppy, which obviously is no longer the case. A year ago they said she was getting some training. A progress report might be helpful, but although some outdated information has been removed from her web page, nothing's been added. Anyway this pretty pup has obviously been a shelter dog for too long. She needs a real home.
Benji from Maryland may have been adopted.
Violet from Atlanta may have been adopted.
Safira from St. Thomas island, by way of New Jersey, may have been adopted.
Suga from Korea, by way of NYC, may have been adopted.
Lux from DC may have been adopted.
Iris, the dog with the family from Texas by way of DC, may have been adopted.
Hermes, the Russian Blue type from Atlanta, has positively been adopted.
Briar the hound from Atlanta may have been adopted.
Sissy the Dalmatian may have been adopted.
Marshall the Dalmatian from Pennsylvania has been adopted. The deal has gone down. No more chances.
Neo from Harrisonburg may have been adopted.
Liana from Alabama may have been adopted.
Clovis from New York has definitely been adopted.
Rubi from Falls Church may have been adoopted.
Kobe from Decatur may have been adopted.
Liam Creamsicle and Marcus Greyson may have been adopted.
Captain Hook and Smee may have been adopted.
Happy from Fayetteville may have been adopted.
Lunchbox from Manhattan may have been adopted.
Porthos may have been adopted.
Pixie from the Fulton County shelter may have been adopted.
Ripley from NYC has definitely been adopted.
Speedy and Snappy from NYC may have been adopted.
Skye from DC has probably been adopted.
Bert and Ernie have been adopted.
Sushi from DC may have been adopted.
Theodore from Atlanta has positively been adopted.
Mayflower from NYC
Her web page: https://www.petfinder.com/cat/mayflower-69952205/ny/new-york/anjellicle-cats-rescue-ny488/
Not the most social of cats, Mayflower (May-May to friends) is said to tolerate other cats and humans with polite disdain. She doesn't like to be picked up. She will gradually learn to come to a human for grooming. She's said to like to rest beside, not on, a human friend. Some cats just aren't great cuddlers and Mayflower seems to be one of those. This may be why she's not been adopted yet. If you are not a needy, clingy person, and are comfortable ignoring a cat until it comes to you, you just might be the human Mayflower learns to love.
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