Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What I Think of Artificial Intelligence (III)

Right. Let's add a few words to the other reviewers' supply. I don't think humans are intelligent enough that we need to try building "artificial intelligence." We'd do better to practice using what's given to us. 

There are some people who don't like other humans at all and would like to imagine that, having replaced  the factory laborers with computers, replaced the secretaries with computers, replaced their wives with sex robots and their dogs with computer games, they can replace the complementary intelligence of a team of co-workers with computers too. The whole idea is sick. It should need no refutation. Wanting to believe that a computer is intelligent is a sickness. 

Obviously I like computers, for what they're worth. They process numbers and letters with mechanical efficiency. Can computers be programmed to use numbers and words to think? They can be programmed to simulate thought, but only by plagiarizing real thought. 

"Artificial intelligence" does not draw pictures or write articles. It mashes up bits of existing pictures and articles. If this is recognized as a bit of mechanical spin on plagiarism, no harm is done. If people mistake the results for pictures or articles, they are stealing creative work from human beings. 


  1. I whole heartedly agree with everything you said, Priscilla! You're right about humanity not being smart enough to need A.I. we also seem to have jumped right to it very quickly.

  2. Thank you for visiting and commenting, fellow reviewers!


  3. Exactly right about all of these points.
    The A.I we have now is not really artificial intelligent. Its just a more sophisticated form of computer programing that has a human mind behind it.
