Friday, January 24, 2025

Web Log for 1.23.25

Only two links...

Economy, The 

If it costs three cents to mint a penny, should we stop using pennies and round all prices up to the nearest nickel? Ha ha ha, wouldn't merchants love that? There's another solution: We could deflate the dollar, restoring prices to the point where a penny would actually buy something...and not merely a ball of bubble gum. The American penny never was a laborer's standard wages for a day's work, but it used to pay for a stamp, a cheap greeting card, a snack, a small useful item like a nail or a shoelace. It should be made to pay for such things again. Yes, history shows that there's always some short-term discontent associated with deflation, but in the long run, correcting inflation works to stabilize money and work for everyone... except perhaps greedhead moneylenders, who deserve to lose a few dollars.  I vote to keep pennies, and bring back penny stamps, penny valentines, penny postcards, penny nails, penny buns, penny candy...

Pop Culture 

Was Donald Trump the last of the yuppies? Pooh. He wasn't even in the demographic generation of the typical yuppie. And Kamala Harris was the quintessence of yuppie, only, for whatever reason, she never learned to dress the part. Female yuppies wore suits with big, boxy, shoulder-padded jackets and short, skimpy skirts...but Kamala's ghastly 1930s hooker heels were classic yupwear. Female yuppies tried to look like professional dominatrixes, only they usually limited the black leather to shoes and purses. Quite a few female yuppies were, in fact, dominatrixes. Or they wanted to be.

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