Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tuxie Appreciation Day: Petfinder Post with Bad Poetry

Actually, the Internet celebration of black and white (Tuxedo, hence Tuxie) cats fell on Monday, but since it is #TortieTuesday and our three-colored Queen Cat Serena is partial to a Tuxie, we're celebrating Tuxie Appreciation Day on Tuesday. Here are three especially cute photos of adoptable Tuxie cats. In grateful acknowledgment of readers' interest in Bad Poetry (TM), each cat's write-up includes an exercise in a verse form that was new to me when introduced at DVerse, the toddaid

Zipcode 10101: Rosita from New York City 

As you can see, I'm pretty, smooth, and neat.
I have white feet. I'm a stray kitty.
From place to place they've moved me, just to try.
They say I'm shy--lost in the city.

They say she behaves well with other cats and will come and join a human who sits on the floor, so if you want a quiet, well-behaved Tuxie, bear with a little shyness at first. The shelter sounds a bit control-freaky and the price is inflated. You might be willing to negotiate with the shelter staff. If not, there are only about 1800 other Tuxies in search of good homes in New York City.

Zipcode 20202: Decker (and Perry) from Garrett Park 

I'm black--he's Decker--isn't that the way
It should go? Nay. They think it's clever
Explaining our names every single time.
Is that a crime? We're bro's forever.

The black one answers (sort of) to "Decker. " The gray tabby answers to "Perry." Neutered brothers were born feral but very quickly decided, at that crucial age when kittens seek homes of their own, that they wouldn't mind becoming pets. They are young and may grow a little taller and longer. 

Zipcode 30303: Misty from Smyrna  

Am I the cutest cat? (Of course I am!)
Yes, Sir! Yes, Ma'am! I look like Magic,
Only a little bit, but that's enough.
The choice is tough! The crowding's tragic!

Our long-ago Founding Queen, Black Magic, had a completely black face, only a little white spotting on one hind paw, and three white spots--the "bib" and two larger spots below--that did not run together and show whenever she lay down. There's just an indefiniable similarity about Misty's general build and attitude. Probably part Siamese, she "talks," is close to her siblings, loves to cuddle and be petted, and is described as one of those small cats with great big loud purrs. Does that mean that you'll be able to count the words you've taught her and confirmed that she recognizes, and then be amazed when she understands words you had no idea a cat could understand? Who knows, but she does have all the credentials to be a purrfectly adorable pet. 

These are not the only adorable cats seeking homes through the organizations with which they're currently staying. They're not even the cutest--only the ones whose photos caught my eye. As always, Petfinder photos are for sharing! Please share these pictures everywhere!

Isn't it fun that the Petfinder posts were the first department with which this web site caught up, after our long winter hiatus? I think so. In February we're going back over 2023's Petfinder posts and revisit the animals who were not adopted. Please help find homes for these pets now, so that you won't have to read about them again!

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