Tuesday, January 16, 2024

New Book Review for 1.1.24: January Beginnings

They may be out of sequence, but no new book has been deprived of its review...though December was basically lost to tech problems and it looks as if January may be another write-off due to virus. Virus-es. 

Real time, 1.16.24: I'm sitting on the screen porch, blanketed, shawled, close enough to the little hot-air fan that I'll be the first to know if it overheats anything. Overheating is not an immediate risk. It's just barely below freezing, -1 C. Four or five inches of snow on the ground. I love the look of snow, as long as there's light and heat (and Internet) indoors, but where is the childish delight in going out to make the first footprints? I need more water. I'm low on everything I'm not completely out of. That payment should be at the post office by now, though it wasn't there on Sunday. I've reached the stage of sniffling where theoretically one is no longer shedding virus, I just feel incredibly uninclined to go out and make tracks. Eek! I am getting old! (...but I've been sick, so maybe I'll be younger the next time it snows)

Title: January Beginnings 

Author: Eden Larsen 

Date: 2020 

Publisher: Dream Write 

Quote: "“Listen Rachel, you can find something else in the meantime and when Chad gets his new job, he’ll take care of you and you can just stay home with Mia and your future babies!" 

Rachel the realtor has focussed on her career so well for so long that her best friend teases her about aging into a "cat lady--or dog lady," but when single dad Chad comes to town, she wants to keep him around. But her boss is pushing hard to sell him a more expensive house. Will Rachel risk her job and tell Chad that a house he can comfortably afford is available after all?

It's a sweet romance, though a short one, so we all know what she'll do...but the author does manage to inject some individuality into a compact version of a genre novel. And Rachel is a whistleblower! Don't you just love her! Plaudits.

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