Monday, January 29, 2024

New Book Review: The White Fork Chronicles the Prequel

Title: The White Fork Chronicles The Prequel 

Author: R.J. Radisson 

Date: 2022 

Publisher: R.J. Radisson 

Quote: "Dr. Selgia...thought she had the technical talent to become a successful artist, but she lacked the inspiration." 

 And this promo-disguised-as-a-book has the setting and characters of which a successful book, or five-book set, might be made, but it lacks the story. A "prequel" is worth publishing as a book, or a story, depending on its length, when it is a story. Not merely a sketch, but a story in its own right, with a plot that resolves while leaving room for readers to imagine further incidents in a series. 

 I'm not inclined to be charitable about so-called "prequels" where the author introduces a character, characters, a setting, but fails to deliver a story. I think they're too disappointing to work as a marketing gimmick. Writers just shouldn't bother. If, after writing a full-length novel, you then think of a story about something one of the characters did before the events in the novel, and you write that story, it's a prequel. It can be a short story that leads into a novel, or a novel that leads into a novel, or a short story that leads into a short story...but it does need to be a complete story.

The White Fork Chronicles may be a good read. R.J. Radisson has the ability to write. If you read the full-length novels and like them, you'll want this "prequel." 

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