Thursday, January 18, 2024

Web Log for 1.17.24

Had a couple of pictures here, but the latest Google "update" was fouling up the pictures...

Airline Tickets, Yet Another Reason Not to Buy 

Sorry. There just aren't a lot of jobs that people with "severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities" can do well. And although nine out of ten people who use antidepressants don't develop "Prozac Dementia," the condition is serious enough that I'd be in favor of a rule that NO person using antidepressants can ever be employed as a pilot.


Winter birds of the East Coast States...these were photographed in North Carolina, the same species I used to watch in Maryland.


Ah, Washington...even the cliches...For a big city I used to think Washington had more than the usual level of good will. Everyone grumbled goodhumoredly about the tourists, wanted to send them home; everyone would go out of the way to get a tourist where person was going. Metrobus fareboxes were closed and the drivers couldn't make change; if you boarded a bus with only a $10 bill you could be sure someone would make change before you got off, so you were allowed to ride. People found car pools and housemates through free ads, operating on the assumption of mutual good will, and were seldom disappointed. 

I saw the atmosphere becoming more like an ordinary city after the turn of the century. Denser population produced more crowd-craziness. Someone really did die on a bench, waiting for a bus, at a very busy bus-to-train station, and nobody even reported the body starting to stiffen. To me that was San Francisco or New York, not Washington. So I stopped going back. 

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