Monday, March 5, 2012

Does the Man Behind the Volt Doubt Global Warming Theory?

Well, first of all, is Bob Lutz accurately identified as "the driving force behind the Chevy Volt"? The idea of an all-electric car certainly existed before his time. To what extent is the Volt a distinctive specimen of its kind, and to what extent is Bob Lutz responsible for its distinctiveness? Please tell us more...

In any case, Steve Milloy provides a link to a video clip in which Bob Lutz tells Bill Maher that global warming is "a crock." If anybody out there is unfamiliar with Maher's reputation for pushing the limits of free speech...I read the text rather than listening to the link, but apparently Lutz went on to specify what it's a crock of, and Maher didn't interrupt him, nor did the producers bleep his words. Apparently there are other obnoxious words in this video.

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