After last week's strictly professional posts, here's a very bloggy one, suggested by +Sandy KS .
1. What is your favorite TV show?
I don't have one. I rarely watch TV. If I plan to watch TV it's usually to see the coverage of some breaking news event. Most of the TV I've watched has been sort of secondhand, or sidestream, exposure to shows other people were watching. In recent years that's been mostly game shows and reruns of wholesome 1950's and 1960's sitcoms, a lot of Bonanza
and Andy Griffith
. It doesn't make much difference, though; I tend to fall asleep if I watch "suspenseful" true crime shows, pretty nature shows, or triple-X pornography, without knitting. I think my brain figures that whenever it's processing primarily visual images, it must be dreaming. Informational videos are wasted on me unless someone else watches them and stops them at the image that contains the information I want.
2. What is your preferred cuisine?
I like cooking and experimenting with recipes from around the world (if they can be reproduced with ingredients found in the U.S., anyway). When cooking I don't have a real preference, but when I go to restaurants I feel safest in Asian-theme buffet restaurants, because they're likely to have wheat-free food. Every post here needs to contain an Amazon photo link...I've linked to books by e-friends Mary and John McDougall
many times, so here's a link to the one my husband preferred as our Everyday Cookbook. All recipes are easy to follow, easy to adapt to a gluten-free or dairy-free diet if they're not already gluten- or dairy-free, and palatable. (If you click on that "copyrighted image," you can buy the book from the person who copyrighted the picture, and in theory I get a commission.)
3. What is your worst household chore?
My least favorite household chore is cleaning the litter box. I'm glad to live in the country, where adult cats can be encouraged to go outside!
4. What is your playlist?
It varies from day to day. Live Journal always prompts us to suggest a musical selection to go with each post. I've had fun thinking of songs that relate in some way to books I've discussed. Favorite musicians and bands include John McCutcheon
, Jim Reeves
, Joan Baez
, the Carter Family
, the Beatles
, some obscure ones like TBM
and Trapezoid
. I like early classical music (Bach
more than Brahms
, and I usually enjoy efforts to revive medieval music) too.
I can enjoy listening to almost anything you might suggest...if you're really listening to it, too. I have "microphone ears" and hate any kind of background noise against which people are trying to talk. If that music (or radio or TV or whatever) isn't good enough to listen to, why not turn it off?
Once, long ago, there used to be a store in Takoma Park, Maryland, that stocked just about all my favorite music--now that's rare. I was fascinated by the House of Musical Traditions; about three-quarters of the LP's and cassettes I bought new came from that store. I've not spent money on digital recordings, but if you do, you might be interested in the store, which still exists:
5. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
My parents travelled all over North America when I was a child. I burned out on travel as pleasure at a very early age. The Cat Sanctuary is where I want to be. A day trip to D.C. or Chattanooga is as far as I plan to go.
(This sounds so unromantic. Don't I even want to go to Ireland some day? Well...frankly, I've always imagined that the fifty-some percent of my ancestors who came from Ireland left for good and sufficient reasons. That's not to say that I could never, ever, be persuaded to visit some place outside of the U.S. or Canada, but it would take a lot of persuading--as in money.)
Here's a link to @nana 's post about these questions: Read more at
Here's @rusty2rusty 's post:
And here's @thelme55 's post:
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