This web site frequently refers readers to the work of a
writer known as Suzette Haden Elgin (in book publishing) or Ozarque (in
cyberspace), almost with reverence, as if her writing were inspired Scripture.
Well, yes, actually I do believe Ozarque was mortal and fallible.
Possibly the biggest error in what she had to say to readers
my age, and younger, is something that was apparently true—at one
time—for her own generation.
When I first heard about “three-part messages,” or
“three-part ‘I’ statements,” even as a teenager, I knew I was hearing something
profoundly wrong. I asked many older people how it was possible for anyone to
imagine that, in any situation that might be described as “confrontation,”
words like “I feel angry” would not
instantly provoke an argument, and usually an ugly argument at that. Didn’t
everyone know that if you say to a child something like “When you fail to water
the tomato plants, I feel sad, because the tomatoes can’t grow without water”
(even assuming a climate where that makes sense), any child over about age
three is going to say, either to you or as soon as you turn your back, “Well,
you’re mad and I’m glad!” Didn’t everyone know that if you say to an adult
something like “When you throw your trash in my back yard, I feel angry,
because my back yard is not the city dump,” any self-respecting baby-boomer is
going to say something like, “Oh yes, I can see that you do feel angry, but I
don’t really think it has anything to do with anything like trash in your back
yard. I think you really need to take this up with a doctor…”
Yet a large and vocal minority of mostly upper-middle-class
members of the Greatest Generation affirm that saying things like “When your
car ran over my dog, I felt sad, because it injured the dog so badly,” has
enabled them to get their messages across “without argument.”
I confess, friends, I am puzzled. When someone says
something like “When you step on my toe, I feel hurt, because you weigh at
least 100 pounds and that’s a lot of weight on my toe,” I feel bewildered that
they feel the need to go to such elaborate and unnatural lengths. If I did in
fact step on your toe, under normal conditions all you’d need to say would be
“Ow.” That primal sound, alone, would convince me that what I’d stepped on was
your toe, which I’d step off if
possible, saying “Sorry.” In any alternative situations that come to mind I’m
sure that any alternative words I might think of, like “Sorry I can’t move now,
because in addition to my 100-plus pounds you’re also feeling about twenty
cubic feet of rubble weighing down on
our feet,” would also seem
unnecessary. Silly, even.
Then there’s a category of “three-part messages” that might
be represented by “When you screamed out loud, ‘What’s your daughter doing
these days?’ so that people all over the mall turned to look at us, and you
continued to shout so that people all over the mall could hear you, ‘Well my daughter just made Phi Beta Kappa at
M.I.T.!!!’, I felt sad, because I had
already told you my daughter is dead.” Here we can give the person the benefit
of the doubt and imagine that s/he really wanted, primarily, to be overheard
bragging about her/his brilliant offspring, even if s/he had to hurt someone’s
feelings to do that.
Actually, in many cases people who say things like this
are more like the “sadistic trolls” of cyberspace. They may know you
personally, resent you, and want to bring unpleasant memories to the surface of
your mind; although it may be against some people’s religion to admit it,
people like that do exist. Or they may not know you well—they may not remember
that your daughter is dead, even if they’ve been told that six times, because
some of these people really do not care about anyone but themselves enough to
pay attention or remember other people’s “news” items. They may just want
everybody all over the mall to turn and look at them as they screech about
their daughter, but, deep down, there probably is a reason why they singled out an acquaintance who has a daughter
who is dead, rather than, say, waiting for an attractive member of the opposite
sex to walk past, alone, and then screeching, “Let me buy you a drink, or even
a pizza,’cos I’m so happy I feel like treating total strangers today, because my daughter just made Phi Beta Kappa at
It’s called one-upmanship. Their joy is complete only when they
take some of the joy away from someone else. That’s the game they play; that’s
what many of them understand social life and conversation to be—one big game
with the objective of scoring off other people. And if you tell someone like
this that s/he made you feel sad, you are
encouraging him or her.
Actually, this category encompasses the people to whom we
might want to say things like “When you said ‘Nobody would ever vote for a ****
Jew like Joe Lieberman,’ I felt angry, because I…” (choose as many as apply)
“intend to vote for a competent moderate politician
like Joe Lieberman,” “voted for Lieberman, repeatedly, when I lived in his State,” “am Jewish myself,” “am a
whole-Bible Christian, and my Bible tells me not to oppress anybody,” “had a grandfather who died
fighting against that kind of hate,” “don’t see how a Jewish President could be
worse than the Muslim or half-Muslim President we’ve had for eight years,
and/or the Christian/s we had before him,” “don’t agree with Lieberman’s
politics, but his religion has nothing to do with it,” “think Lieberman is far
too moderate, myself, but we’ve had a lot of good lefties who were Jewish,”
etc. etc. etc. (What about "am picking on Lieberman because I've not said anything good about a Democrat presidential candidate in this election"?)
Some people still hold various quaint old prejudices, but these
days those are not the people who engage in public “baiting” of ethnic groups. Real
bigots have already noticed that overt displays of bigotry tend to make an
enormous range of people angry, for an enormous range of reasons, and create
more trouble for the bigots than the bigots feel the displays are worth. Anyone
still overtly spouting prejudice almost certainly wants to make you or me angry. Consider the old story about what
one of the young Kennedys allegedly admitted: on seeing the Republican stickers
in a taxicab, he immediately put his dirty shoes up on the seat, lighted a
cigarette just to burn the upholstery, muttered nasty drunken remarks about the
kind of people who drive cabs these days and their mothers, didn’t tip,
short-changed the driver, and ran into a dark alley shouting “Vote for
Goldwater!” So what I’d be likely to say, if I’d heard that kind of
anti-Lieberman remark in real life, would be, “How much are the Democrats
paying you? You don’t mean to say you’re campaigning for a candidate like that, making a real hate magnet of yourself…for free?”
But in the majority of Necessary Confrontations, when
someone my age or younger is likely to stop throwing trash in your back yard if
you deliver that message without
distraction, it’s generally helpful to ignore the whole topic of
emotions—even if the person tries to distract you by crying or swearing, it’s
good to ignore that. Stick to an
updated kind of three-part message: “When you throw your trash in my back yard,
I have to deal with your trash, so now, as a result…”
It’s still a good idea to plan these messages carefully.
What are you doing to your trashy
neighbor as a result of his obnoxious habits? What rights do local laws give
you to sue your neighbor for property damage, and how much does your lawyer’s
name intimidate your neighbor’s lawyer? If you don’t have applicable local laws
and plan just to return your neighbor’s garbage with compound interest, how far
are you and your neighbor prepared to escalate the garbage war? What other
consequences are likely to motivate this neighbor to stop throwing his trash in
your back yard?
It is not a good
idea to mention your emotional feelings when you want to focus attention on the
need for someone else to change his or her behavior. Anyone who grew up in the
Age of Therapy knows at least half a dozen different ways to turn any mention
of any emotion into an argument that can be used against you. If you mentioned your emotions, that person is guaranteed to “win” the argument. Why
should s/he even bother talking about less fascinating topics, like the
veterinary expenses of a dog s/he backed a car into, or trash in someone else’s
yard, or the disgusting thing s/he said about someone you happen to like, when
s/he can change the subject to what is
the matter with you, and why whatever you were talking about should be
considered strictly as a “symptom” and not taken seriously.
I would like very much to know how Suzette Haden Elgin, who
was one of the world’s experts on her generation’s techniques of what she
called “cutesipation,” ever managed to hand an opponent a weapon like “I feel
sad/angry/hurt, because…” and report, with a straight face, that that was a way
to persuade anybody to water the tomato plants or stop throwing his trash in
your yard. I would like to know that in an experiential way. I don’t believe I
ever will; I’m sure anyone she was able to persuade, adult-to-adult, to do
anything after saying “I feel” must be dead by now, and any child she ever
persuaded to water any plants with an “I feel” speech must be an adult who’s
resolved never to do anything else merely because someone in his or her
generation has an emotional feeling about it.
I’m sure that people whose sense
of courtesy prevented them from quibbling with “I feel” must have been very nice people. Though I suspect they were
also people who micro-oppressed others, or accepted micro-oppression by others,
using that verbal technique that makes the sense of intolerable oppression so
pervasive in Native Tongue
basing everything on the presupposition that all women (or all Black people or
all people whose native language isn’t English) are feeble-minded. One habit of
communication (or manipulation) does not necessarily depend on the other, but
historically they do seem to have been found in the same time and place…
For my generation, the Rule of Three may still be hard-wired
into our brains, but the structure of an effective three-part message is
different. It’s “When you [do X], then [Y happens], and as a result, now [Z is
happening or will happen].” All objective
facts that are verifiable in the real world. No emotions.
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