Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Stanford: Another Required Course Won't Help Anything (Updated)

Here's a three-page letter that was shared via Change.org recently. Warning: the topic here is what should be done about a violent crime.


The position of this web site is that, if creatures like this Brock Turner is allowed to live--which neither the Bible nor this web site suggests that they should be--it should be in a physically altered condition that will make it impossible for them to repeat this crime, or any other violent crimes. Good people live and work with their legs amputated above the knee; why would violent criminals need knees?

This web site would even support the claim that Stanford University needs to apologize to the victim and pay for whatever compensation she may find appropriate. She is not the one who needs counselling; regrettably, she seems to have already made use of legal counselling that may not have been aggressive enough, but it's too late to do anything about that now.

What this web site does not support is the idea that a mandatory one-unit "class" is going to teach students anything. Most students automatically disrespect all required courses just for being required. Basic common sense is better absorbed in real life than in a required course.

This web site also distrusts the idea of "violence prevention classes" that basically tell people never to go outside alone. Basic common sense, and actual statistics, show that the way to prevent violence is for more people to be outside--alone, in groups, whatever--day and night, such that violent criminals can never really count on being unobserved.

Sites of hatecrimes against women, such as Stanford has reportedly become, particularly need to be systematically patrolled by women who know that many violent crimes can be prevented by individuals' refusing to be intimidated...while many non-violent crimes (specifically, damage to school property) are caused by required courses.

[After posting the above, I received another Change.org e-mail proposing a more realistic way to alleviate the victim's emotional feelings and keep things like Turner off the streets. This petition has a million signatures already, and they're going for a million and a half:

https://www.change.org/p/california-state-house-recall-judge-aaron-persky ]

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