A Fair Trade Book
Title: Spoken from the
Author: Laura (Welch) Bush
Date: 2010
Publisher: Scribner / Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 978-1-4391-5520-2
Length: 441 pages plus 23-page index
Quote: “It is easy to criticize a sitting president when you
are not the one…responsible for the decisions that must be made and for the
whole of the nation.”
George W. Bush is no longer a sitting president, nor is the
purpose of this review to criticize him. It’s to criticize Spoken from the Heart. So let’s get the unfavorable “criticism” out
of the way first: A certain self-contradiction is inherent in this book. How can
you “speak from the heart” in a memoir about being private people in a public
Who, in fact, is speaking? This is Laura Welch Bush’s
memoir…but it’s not a very personal memoir. It has the consistent tone of the
stories a private person might share with a professional writer, in order to
meet the demand for a memoir by that private person without embarrassing that
person’s children. If you guessed the hack writer was the Washington Post treasure who writes under the unforgettable name of
Lyric Wallwork Winik, you were absolutely right. Most of the stories in this
memoir were reported in the Post, and although some of them are personal
memories Mrs. Bush obviously shared with Winik, they’re told the way Winik
tells them.
So, even more than Karen Hughes’ memoir
…this is not the kind
of gossipy memoir that might supply “dirt” on a politician that you didn’t
already know. There’s surprisingly little about W Bush in it, and nothing more
intimate than the disclosure, familiar by 2010, that W habitually fell asleep
and woke up early. The tone is consistently warmhearted, cordial, correct, and
politely distant….the way you expected Mrs. Bush would sound when sharing memories with a professional writer. The
way you probably imagine she’d be, in real life, as a neighbor or co-worker.
She was born in Midland, Texas, in 1946, and grew up there.
Her family were well off, not extremely wealthy by Texas oil country standards,
but not blessed with the healthiest genes; her siblings died in infancy, her
father died young. Her dog once bit a man for kicking another dog.
She was born extremely nearsighted, not quite to the extent of being “legally
blind” like her coeval Hillary Rodham Clinton—little Laura Welch could look
outside and see trees, without glasses—but nearsighted enough that, after
acquiring glasses in grade two and seeing leaves
on trees, she never looked back. (Those bright eyes are technologically enhanced, as are Mrs. Clinton's, today.) She
and W “passed in the hallways” in junior high school, even had mutual friends,
but didn’t become acquainted until the summer of 1977, when “I assumed that
George would be very interested in politics, while I was not”…but they were
married that November. Their wedding anniversary was “one day before the
anniversary of the awful accident” in which teen driver Laura Welch was injured
and one of her friends, in the other car, was killed.
The rest is literally history. You might have read reporters’
views of Mrs. Bush’s memories in the newspapers. In this book they’re all in
one place, in chronological order, and you do get Mrs. Bush’s personal comments
and insights, the “I gave my first speech…but it…wasn’t nearly as bad as I had
anticipated. In fact, it wasn’t much different from reading a story to my
students” sort of
thing, but the feeling is consistently that you’re reading her comments on the
newspaper files rather than reading her personal diary.
Actually, after I've read some gossipy celebrity
memoirs, this cordial but reserved manner comes as a relief. It’s a quality
Laura Bush’s admirers (of whom I suppose I’m one) liked about her. We didn’t want to know the precise details of
every family quarrel or case of flu, and there’d certainly been enough criticism
of W Bush in the news media. We’re glad to read that she enjoyed some of the
perks of being First Lady (“George and I also grew pots of tomatoes on the
parapet” in the White House) enough to offset the craziness of tightened
war-presidency “security measures” (“I could walk each morning along the
corridors from the residence to my offices in the East Wing…it was possible to
spend several days without ever venturing outside”). We share her relief when
she and “homebody” W Bush leave the White House, having accomplished a
difficult feat for nice, quiet, private people: both of them and their family
life survived.
A First Lady has an important job—creating and maintaining a
pleasant atmosphere, such that people who dislike and distrust each other, are
far from their homes, and are probably jet-lagged and hung-over, are able to
feel good about the time they spend doing Official Negotiation together—so in
Mrs. Bush’s case a short, almost whimsical anecdote acquires importance:
“At 9:15, the sky was still ablaze as we boarded a boat to
cruise with the Putins along the Neva River…as the sun slipped toward the
western horizon on one side and the moon rose in the east. George…said…“you are
in Heaven.’ The translator immediately repeated it to the Putins, who gasped
with pleasure.”
They were not in Heaven. They were in Russia, where any
pleasure that could possibly be shared with their hosts was a small step toward
lasting peace. So that paragraph was not only worth printing (on page 261);
it’s worth quoting, here, for whatever pleasure it may give any Russian readers
who may know exactly what sort of natural beauty the Bushes and the Putins were
One thing for which the Bushes were sometimes criticized, by
the ignorant, was not having rushed to the scenes of the major crises of W’s
administration. Recalling those incidents from Mrs. Bush’s point of view, we
appreciate the tact with which the Bushes arranged to meet with private people
in public places to spare them the burdens of hosting a presidential visit.
thing I’ve mentioned at this web site, in Former Washingtonian Mode, is the inconvenience of having the First Family
visit places not designed to accommodate presidential-level security as it has
grown to be these days. It’s not like the obligatory visits state and local
officials, or even members of Congress, make to disaster areas, where they are free to chat with survivors and
even help clean up the mess. We really have found it
necessary to keep all First Families, during my lifetime, like prisoners in
Washington—their guards have valid complaints if the President and family
insist on being allowed to walk on the street or go into a store like ordinary
people, as have the ordinary people on the street or in the store. Such “escapes”
usually have to be scheduled for the dead of the night, to minimize the harm they do to local business. Even as a nineteen-year-old student at a rally
in Lafayette Park, where someone pointed to the White House and shouted “Where
are those people?”, I already knew
that the President and Mrs. Reagan would never have been allowed to mingle with
that crowd, even if anyone had had the gall to invite them to the rally, even
if they had wanted to come out across the street and meet us.
People don’t
always understand that a presidential motorcade is about a mile long, that
members of the First Family have to be completely surrounded by armed guards at
all times, and that, although the guards are heroic and usually likeable men and women, their function is to take up a lot
of space. In situations for which the First Family are not really trained to be useful,
e.g. Barbara Bush’s famous visit to New Orleans where some of the hurricane
survivors assured her that they were
just-fine-thank-you-ma’am-now-please-get-out-of-the-way, a presidential visit
is likely to be more inconvenient than inspiring. Mrs. Bush wants us to know
that she did visit certain places, though, after the crises were past and her visits weren’t unbearable burdens to the
communities. And she arranged to meet with private people in public places so that her entourage wouldn't overflow out of their homes.
When what some readers may dislike about a book is what
others will like about it, one can say that the author has achieved a most
correct and proper book, which I suppose is the way I’d summarize Spoken from the Heart. There are a lot of stories Laura Bush might have
blurted out, but we neither expected nor wanted her to. It is possible, even
for readers who are aware of some of those stories, to close this book
thinking, “God bless America. God bless Mrs. Bush.”
Since she's still alive, and she does support legitimate charities, this is a Fair Trade Book. Buy it here, for $5 per copy + $5 per package (this is a big showy hardcover book, so I wouldn't expect more than two copies to fit into a package), and Mrs. Bush or a charity of her choice gets $1 per book. Payment may be sent to either address at the very bottom of the screen, down below that longish and growing blog feed widget.
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