Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Computers for Preschoolers? HB143

Virginia's House Bill #143 seems to reaffirm legislation that's been passed before...


...but I don't like it. Do Virginia taxpayers really need to be billed for the cost of providing one computer for every five children in preschool? Do preschoolers need that much computer time? Do preschoolers actually need to spend more time looking at, and handling, and interacting with, real objects in the real world, rather than blinking boxes? Wouldn't it be more of a selling point for preschool programs if they were 100% computer-free?

Please, Gentle Readers, don't fall for manufacturers' sales pitches about how children "need" exposure to today's computers so that they'll be able to use the computers that may be in use when they're grown up. Very few people my age ever saw a computer until we were grown up, and if we did, it certainly didn't look or work like the computers we're using now. And didn't we figure out how to use these gadgets? Our children will be better, not worse, qualified to use the gadgets of their adult years if their eyes aren't overstrained before they're old enough to make any reasonable use of computers.

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