Friday, July 22, 2016

Remove Coal Where?

Here's another petition I won't be signing, although it interests me, and some readers may want to sign it. Do you see what I see in these River Healers' petition?

Oppose Domion Power's current dewatering and solid waste permits. The permits as written would allow coal ash toxins to continue seeping into rivers and remain indefinitely on various floodplains. Permanently leaving coal ash waste sites in their current place through proposed "capping" methods removes the environmental responsibility that Dominion Virginia Power owes to the public. 

We have a safer demand. Dominion Virginia Power should be required to move all of the coal ash from these old ponds to a location where it can be safely stored away from rivers and communities.
We demand that Dominion Virginia Power must dig up and remove all coal ash from power stations that are located next to valued Virginia communities and Virginia rivers. We demand that The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, The Virginia State Water Control Board, and Virginia State Legislators act accordingly to our rights and close these coal ash ponds appropriately, by digging them up. Hold Dominion Virginia Power accountable for properly closing coal ash waste sites at the Chesterfield Power Plant. Dig it up!

The problem I see is that there aren't a lot of locations that are truly "away from rivers and communities." If this petition had explained which locations are a little further away from the sources of Dominion Power users' drinking water, without being closer to anyone else's drinking water, I'd sign it. DP should clean up its own mess. The solution, however, is not just to pick up the trash in one's own yard and throw it over the fence into the neighbors' yard. The world is round. You can't go very far in Virginia without coming to a river--every one of which is valued by somebody or other--and, strangely enough, people in Maryland and North Carolina feel pretty much the same way about their rivers that people in Virginia feel about ours. And in places where there are fewer rivers, the feeling is even more intense.

Can the stuff safely be transferred to an uninhabited planet? I wish. Can anyone on this planet deserve to have to live with the coal ash residues more than the community in and for which the coal was burned?

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