Monday, January 16, 2012

Incandescent Light Bulbs: HB66

Here's an example of a democratic, rather than fascist/totalitarian, law about manufacturing:

Kudos to R.G. Marshall.

Personally, I like the new compact fluorescent lights I've tested. They provide almost full-spectrum light that allows me to see and match colors. They last for years. Now they're being built in shapes that fit into my decorative lamps. I've seen fluorescent lights that blinked and buzzed in annoying ways, but even the medium-cheap grade of GE and Sylvania fluorescent tubes, sold in supermarkets and Wal-Marts everywhere, don't do that. And they don't overheat the house, in summer, the way incandescent bulbs do.

That's the problem, though...fluorescent lights burning in the basement won't keep water pipes from freezing, and a fluorescent light in the shed won't keep baby chickens warm. I seldom use an incandescent light bulb, but even I am not pleased by the idea of their being forced off the market.

So, for those who like incandescent light bulbs--or who look forward to getting an edge on the market by manufacturing them in Virginia--HB66 will come as good news. Kudos to R.G. Marshall.

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