Saturday, March 3, 2012

Limbaugh Laughs at Sandra Fluke

You want to know my all-time favorite of Rush Limbaugh's "anti-woman" jokes? The one about how he's the man millions of women want--old, rich, and in poor condition.

To be fair, when Limbaugh started using this gag he was neither old nor rich. It was part of a genuinely funny series of jokes about "Uglo-Americans" as "the Forgotten Minority Group," that made everyone who listened to it both laugh and think. Limbaugh was tagged as having the build of a fullback, in youth, but never achieved the health condition of a real athlete. He knew enough about "discrimination against Uglo-Americans" to make these jokes funny on multiple levels, and offensive to nobody except the occasional race-card-player whose escapade had inspired the latest "Uglo-Americans" routine.

But during the last week, when he revived the "Man Millions of Women Want" motif...

...I regret the need to admit that most of the folks in Radio Land no longer remember the original Limbaugh Show, and probably read this as purely an anti-woman joke.

Well, the case of Sandra Fluke, who wants us taxpayers to buy her hormone pills so she can sleep with as many guys as possible, is making women think of anti-woman, or anti-Fluke, jokes. Check out (if no child uses your computer) or avoid (if children do) the comments below Billy Hallowell's write-up. Rush Limbaugh is certainly no Virginia gentleman, but he really was self-censoring, doing this ad-lib comedy routine with half his brain tied behind his back just to spare the poor chick's parents (if they're still alive). Blaze remember that children may read The Blaze.

I'll say this to the Blaze readers. What some of you have accused Fluke of doing has traditionally been decriminalized in Washington as long as it's done with reasonable discretion, and she's doing it with reasonable discretion. She's not saying which things she'll do that other girls (some of whom really are university students) won't do, or for what price; she's just saying she needs a lot of pills. But I still think her trying to hit the taxpayers up for money to fund it ought to be a crime.

That's a Virginia lady's response to Sandra Fluke, Gentle Readers. I can understand the temptation, but I think Limbaugh should have left the girl for women to bash. We have the right to say so much worse things than a man can say without being accused of insulting Womankind.

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