Friday, April 26, 2024

Bonus Post: Conflict

We affirm that God is One;
In some Pagans' "creed outworn"
It seemed plain that God was Two
Sons (who had a Mother, too),
And they quarrelled in the daytime, and they quarrelled in the night,
Till at last their quarrels grew into a bitter bloody fight,
And the outcome of their quarrel was the turning of the light
Towards summer with its green or towards winter with its white.

Summer and sunshine exist,
And winter, cold antagonist.
Abraham directed eyes
To where Truth above both lies;
As they quarrel through the autumn, as they quarrel through the spring,
Farther far they dwell beneath than any beggar any king
In relation to That Which is above and beyond each thing.
Conflict below, and unity above, we see and sing.

But a narrow road we walk,
And how easily our talk,
Missing ditch on left, at night,
Runs us into cliff on right.
For though unity's beyond, a thing is not another thing,
And indeed it may be better, or may be worse, see and sing!
Talk of unity need not provoke us common sense to fling
Away; we still feel winter's blast, and still prefer the spring.



  1. The narrow walk of course is the best but hardest. The hardest part of Christianity is to accept the Holy Trinity. They are really stuck on the command, there is one God. A lot convert if that hurdle is crossed, one God in three persons. Many have had a dream, vision.

    1. Thanks for peeking in on me.

    2. I hadn't even got as far as the Trinity, yet! I was thinking about the "if God is One, EVERYthing is one, summer and winter are aspects of time, gain and loss are aspects of mortality, so it doesn't matter how much I steal from other people, in the cosmic sense, does it?" line of thought. But thank you for leading further into Christian theology.

      It's always worth peeking in on your poems, Jim!
