Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Poem: Reality vs. Doomscrolling proposes a new mental health problem into which the Internet is allowing people to fall: 

Doomscrolling is when a person actively seeks out saddening or negative material to read or scroll through on social media or news media outlets. The idea behind doomscrolling is attempting to get access to all the information you need to keep yourself protected from what's dangerous around you.

Wikipedia adds that the word can also be used to describe a superficially similar, but different behavior of scrolling through many short videos, sometimes with the intention of losing track of time and forgetting responsibilities, sometimes only with that effect.

If the virus doesn't get them, the bacteria surely will.
They still have an old bomb shelter, and they line it with each pill
They have heard prescribed for anything when they were or weren't ill,
For they're sure to get it when S. H. T. F.

To provide for a week or two without access to electric power
Is a prudent course of action, and will pass a pleasant hour.
To remember how to live without transmissions from the tower
Gives them nightmares about the day S.H.T.F.

I'm a prepper. Every week or two I do without some thing
The past century's technology to modern lands did bring.
It's called a power outage. Be prepared for it, I sing,
But lose no sleep to fear of when S.H.T.F.

An alliance with the neighbors has more chance to serve you well
Than plans to kill them off as life becomes like Dante's Hell,
And most changes in life come by ones. It may be hard to tell
Exactly on which day the S.H.T.F.

God Who calmed the raging ocean, God Who waters parching land,
Who has promised to preserve through all a little remnant band,
Discipline us preppers, I pray, with a mild and loving hand:
Give us some way to know just when S.H.T.F.

(For those new to cyberspace...Preppers are people who try to be prepared for situations that would otherwise call for emergency help, such as extreme weather, power failures, Internet failures, shortages of gasoline or commercial food or other commodities, or a war fought on our soil for a change. There's a realistic level of prepping--stockpiling food, maintaining lower-tech alternatives to tools that may fail to work, keeping first-aid kits and blankets and emergency lights in the car--and an "extremist" or "doomsday" level, known to exist mostly in preppers' jokes, that envisions surviving a nuclear explosion and needing ammunition, not even to hunt, but to fight with neighbors over stockpiled food and drugs. Extremists focus on the day the bomb is dropped as "when stuff hits the fan," or S.H.T.F. Ruder explanations of S.H.T.F., and alcohol-fuelled interchanges in which this phrase seems to get confused with S.T.F.U., are found on web sites not owned by aunts.)


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