Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bad News from the Ozarks

Karen Bracken reports on the land grabbers' efforts to spoil yesterday's good news. (This e-mail included a slideshow that failed to open on this computer.)

As we concern ourselves about Agenda 21 and private property we need to be on top of the issue of the government's policy as it pertains to our water access.   Recently there was a blueway designation by our government that would seal off 17.8 million acres of land in Missouri and Arkansas.  The state government and citizens convinced the federal government to remove that blueway designation but the policy remains and a lot more land in America is falling prey to this diabolical plan.  You need to understand what the blueway project is all about.
Watch Huckabee tonight.  I am not a fan of Huckabee and have no idea what he will discuss as it relates to this topic but it is worth watching to find out. It is my hope he presents how bad this policy is and the threat it will be on private property and our rights to access to water ways.
Thanks to friends Susan and Victoria for getting this out.
Hi, Just heard on Fox News that Huckabee is going to be doing a show this evening on the Interior Dept.'s Blueways Designations for rivers...another attack on private property that's been launched by this administration.  Because the folks along the White River and the Huckabee show have been investigating, the Interior Dept. announced at the 11th hour on Wednesday that they're dropping the 'voluntary' designation because of local concern...yeah, right.

This should be of particular interest to my friends in WNC - where the French Broad River is a big part of the region's water source and out door activitiy attraction.  They'll be coming after us next.

Check out the term "Whole River" I hear "Complete Streets"?  Greenways mapping, Blueways rivers...we should start  placing odds on the next designation name.

Karen Bracken - I WILL NOT COMPLY - WILL YOU? 
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests”- Patrick Henry
To fix "THE SYSTEM" We must become "THE SYSTEM" - k. bracken
"The change we seek has always required great struggle and great sacrifice." - Barack Hussein Obama
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." - Ayn Rand "

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