Friday, February 16, 2024

Link Log for 2.15.24

Just a few links...

Dyslexia, Public Demonstrations of 

Dyslexia is a condition produced when different parts of the brain are processing the same information at the same time, and fail to reach an agreement about the order in which the brain should receive their messages. The most obvious manifestation of this is that our eyes see things from different angles, so the typical dyslexic is diagnosed when person starts learning to read and shows confusion about b's and d's, p's and q's, E's and 3's, or maybe words like "bat" and "tab." But that's not the full extent of confusion into which dyslexic brains get; in fact, some dyslexic people have little trouble reading but show a tendency to blurt out the opposite of what they mean. This is not limited to things like leaving out a crucial "not" when writing long complex sentences, although of course dyslexics do that too. Sometimes, when thinking of two or more people, the dyslexic brain can scramble statements about, e.g., which of them did what. 

I'm dyslexic. I understand. I had actually seen Corvette cars before I wrote a fictional scene in which the child is in the back seat of the Corvette. I don't think I've ever actually typed "George W Bush was remembered as 'first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen'" or "The Nile is the longest river in Brazil," but dyslexics love computers because that is the kind of sentences we used to type on typewriters. So I completely sympathize.

Congressman Jared Moskowitz thinks Trump is setting the stage for World War III? Not possible. The one who's throwing money at belligerent groups is President Biden. Trump does seem to have a tendency to inflame emotional feelings. Emotional feelings come and go--they are e-motions, movements away from, surges of energy that subside when we think things over. What enables people to drop bombs, however, is handing them money they use to buy bombs.\

Another form dyslexia can take is confusion about right and left, so we also see...

Homicide-suicides come from either side of the political spectrum, from none, or from off the spectrum. What they have in common is drugs. But there is an overwhelmingly disproportionate incidence of homicide-suicide among trans folk. There aren't really a lot of trans folk and not many of them have committed homicide-suicide, but the percentage of trans folk who've committed homicide-suicide is appalling. And why is this the case? Because, before offering gender reassignment as an alternative to someone who's unhappy with her family's understanding of sex roles, the counsellor has almost certainly offered antidepressants. Most trans folk are young--and young people are disproportionately likely to react to antidepressants by developing Prozac Dementia. 

I laughed:

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