Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Link Log for 2.20.24

The passwords have been located, and the reviews are going onto those book sites. If you are a Booktober Blitz author, watch the pages for your book(s) that I've reviewed here at Goodreads, Library Thing, Bookshop, Bookbub, and Net Galley. If you have a page for one of those books and don't see your review yet, I may not have found your page--as it might be because the Book Funnel edition is listed separately from the Kindle or printed editions, or the site processes initials or complex family names in some weird way I failed to anticipate, or you've not yet set up a page for it (Nag!). Reviewers can set up pages for books we want to rave about, on some book sites, but as reviewers don't have access to some important information it's generally best that the author or publisher set up the page. Or I might just be typing slowly and not have all 75 reviews up yet. This Link Log can't include links to all those reviews but I will try to add Bookshop links to the reviews here, if I find the appropriate Bookshop page.


There's nothing in this video that I'd not want to share with The Nephews. There is what appears to be cocaine. Middle school students will recognize it from the Drug Education unit that's probably filling up the time my classes spent studying the internal structure of the ear.. There is no actual claim that any specific person was snorting this cocaine; it just appears in a video that is otherwise about the (inevitable) presentation of a politician as what older, more culturally "conservative" people consider vain. Younger, urban Americans call it "confident" and "dynamic" and demand the quality in all a politician's public appearances, because Heaven forbid and fend a politician might look tired. 

But it upset the people who squeal for censorship, and YouTube put age filters on it. Dang. It's not a good enough video to deserve the publicity censorship needs to bring...more of a nostalgia trip by now.


What a clever idea Beth Ann Chiles shared! Do you, Gentle Readers, need a knitted key tag, shaped like a teacup, or like a duffel bag or a file folder or whatever else, filled with a sponge to squeeze for stress relief? What about one filled with a little pouch to hold cards and cash? You can suggest a look and order one here. Fluff key tags $5, tough key tags (with lining and fasteners) $10. Meanwhile, here's a fluff teacup tag Beth Ann Chiles has been giving to her personal friends, just to give you the idea:

Fun Stuff 

Do you ever wish you had "bookish superpowers"? What would they be? Grow a few extra heads in order to be able to read all the new COVID authors' books this year, reading one with each head and thus absorbing the contents of six or ten at a time, would be mine. 

Politics (Election 2024) 

No link to this one, because I don't want to expose the person to harassment...Remember when, eight years ago, this web site discussed Scott Adams' claim that Candidate Trump's voice, his Noo Yawk accent, was counted heavily against him? For me the salient feature of Trump's voice isn't even the accent, which he's toned down for comprehensibility anyway, so much as the fact that it's a tenor voice at best and becomes downright shrill, a dead giveaway, when he's conscious of lying. Tenor's not bad but squeaking on the lies, a few of which a politician might have to tell to protect other people, is very bad for a President. Nevertheless, I've found a respondent on a forum site, who has consistently and credibly identified as a woman for at least ten years, who says of her loyalty, "His voice alone does it for me." 

That I would not have made up.

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