Thursday, February 29, 2024

Link Log for 2.28.24

Clothing, Marketing 

If the young want to know what's "Out" they can always ask the middle-aged, and here's what's OUT:

1. Fashion, as in the whole idea of throwing out things you like (or shoving them to the back of the closet) because a different style is in the store, or buying things that don't particularly suit you because they're in the store. Stores buy things to sell to masses of people who are not you and do not look like you. If it's in the store and it does not suit you, it's clearly there for one of those other people. Leave it for her.

2. New York, if you don't have to live there. The whole city needs to get over itself. Nobody else wants to live in New York and nobody wants to look as if we did.

3. The hooker look. New York "fashion" is obsessed with the hooker look. The hooker look is sexy if you are wearing it in your own personal bedroom for the delight of your own chosen bedmate. The hooker look is ugly in public. So, visible knees, high-heeled shoes, and visible skin between the collarbone and the kneecap, are OUT--except for private showings to people who will never tell. Especially OUT is allowing contact between nasty, dirty pavement and things that were clearly designed for application to sensitive parts of loved ones.

What's IN: Laughing at ourselves. Do not read this link while eating or drinking.


Does the emotional appeal of faith work on T-shirts or Zazzle merchandise? I'm not sure. I don't really think it does. But we are told to publish the ethical teachings of our faith everywhere. On door posts of houses. (Yard signs! Bumper stickers!) On the headbands ancient Israelites wore to secure the head scarves they wore everywhere. (T-shirts! Ball caps!)

Maybe that's because some people just aren't wired to understand what a spiritual experience feels like, and telling them about it borders on being abusive. But everybody can understand that honesty is better than cheating. 

Food (Yuck) 

A Kellogg's employee thinks inflated food prices are good because people will eat cereal for dinner. Hoot! The trouble is...cereal is cheap all right, but it's toxic. People can't eat cereal, even for breakfast, if they want to be fit to work! 


The February Thaw is not spring, nor is it meant to be spring. Most of the world needs its winters. But we can anticipate...


How bad was what the Lieutenant Governor said? Would I, as a Real Virginia Lady, be offended if the Lieutenant Governor, going by my hair color, guessed that I'm  younger than she is and said something like "Yes sir" or "Yes indeed" or "That's right" just to evade the question of whether to call me "Miss" or "Ma'am"? I would not. I might try tactfully to drop some historical reference indicating that I'm close to her age, but I would not feel that I'd been mistaken for a man. "Yes sir" is commonly used as a mild intensification of "yes," more formal than "Absolutely" or "You got it." State Senator Roem should go to New York and try to teach the people up there to stop including/excluding women in groups addressed as "guys." 

Though there's an alternative punishment--for Roem, and for the people of Manassas. Let everyone know how tacky and self-obsessed Roem acted. Let Roem serve a full term...with the entire rest of the State Senate fully aware that it's political suicide to support anything Roem supports. Let Roem see that silence can fill a room after Roem has said "We had some rain this morning." And, until Roem has resigned, it should.

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