Friday, February 2, 2024

New Book Review: Ink Spells and Cinnamon Rolls

Title: Ink Spells and Cinnamon Rolls 

Author: Ada Rayne

Date: 2023

Publisher: Ada Rayne

Quote: "I know you'll do an amazing job managing it while I'm gone."

Ella's graduation from university is a foregone conclusion. Her ditzy-sounding mother shows faith in Ella by flitting off to Europe with Ella's new stepfather, leaving Ella in charge of the family bakery. Ella could cope with running the business by herself during her last weeks as a student, but when a study buddy is late for a study session and she goes to his apartment and finds him dead, that does distract her from both exams and business. 

Is Ada Rayne European? Ella's murdered classmate is European. The handsome, charming young police detective who writes Sebastian's death off as suicide is not European. The even nicer young man who comes out to investigate his death is, specifically, Hungarian. Ella's parents enjoy Europe so much they want to stay there. Ethan, who heroically resists his attraction to Ella long enough to help solve the mystery, can't ask Ella to go back to Europe with him, but she seems to be looking for an excuse to go there on her own. 

In addition to taking place in the United States with a cast in which nobody is much of an American, this story also takes place in what appears to be based on the human world, with a cast in which nobody is completely human. It's a paranormal mystery. Ella is merely a young empath but all of her friends turn out to have super-powers. So does the murderer, who has a special talent for disgustingness. 

If you enjoy a mystery that has a logical solution if you accept the special "paranormal" rules of its fictional world, you'll like Ink, Spells, and Cinnamon Rolls.

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