Friday, June 14, 2024

Bad Poetry as Status Update: Re-Purposing

Everything deserves more than one use
(though, if it's electronic, may serve less):
as. when part of it's been worn out, the dress
becomes shirt, skirt, sleepwear, or child's gown,
the roses ripen into seedy berries,
or yesterday's newspaper pads a box.
A few times every year, the real world carries
the energy out of the brand, Priscilla,
into the mortal realm. I pause to tell you
the next installment of a sad cat's tale.
Our Silver cat had kittens. Not for long.
The air'd been poisoned; they weren't born strong.
Silver went her way mourning. When I held her
she did not cry aloud, as some cats do,
but her breath came in sobs; my knees felt her
weeping like any mother whose child died.
Before this season Silver's joy and pride 
was managing the possums, cleaning crew.
I thought young Dasher Possum was quite mad.
Silver insisted she'd keep him in bounds.
The possum's job not done, this week, I've found.
Silver missed dinner. Anguish in her eyes,
she had no appetite for breakfast next day,
and that was when I felt her silent cries
and saw her hold one paw a different way:
a scratch, a bruise, some swelling. Then the young
crowded around her, looking for affection.
Eyes brightening, Silver groomed and tried to feed
the niece and nephews seeking her protection.
I separated them last night. The males
slept in a cage. Silver shared Dora's box.
The paw was stiff, this morning, but she ate
and drank before she came back in to rest.
A passer-by: "Something has died near here."
Among the rocks below the road is where
all kinds of creatures go, when life Goes West.
Not only for the kittens Silver cried.
The beasts know life goes on. A makeshift filler-
in with surplus milk for the neediest kitten
Silver will be, if she survives being bitten.

(In summary: The cat Silver is still showing physical stress, still lying down indoors when she would normally be hanging out with her friends and family outdoors, but her niece and nephews seem to have snapped her right out of her depression. I'm not worried about leaving her at home when I go out, today. 

In a healthier world, I think Silver might benefit from being spayed--but as long as she has no legal protection from being sprayed with poison, allowing her body to flush out the poison through the placentas of doomed kittens may be saving her from worse pain. Hold poison sprayers to account for the harm they do, dear veterinarian neighbor, and then you may operate on Silver.

My social cats take the possums who clean the sand pit as they find them. Not all of them feel that all of the possums are pets. Silver has seemed to feel that way about the ones she's known. Other possums who seemed to be pets behaved nicely toward kittens. Dasher didn't. I'm guessing that, right after losing the one kitten who seemed as if it could live, Silver found Dasher glaring or growling at kittens and made that decision every pet owner dreads having to make.)


  1. A very affecting tale. How terrible that this spraying is happening!

    1. Indeed. And so many humans mistake symptoms of spray poisoning for something to do with their age.


  2. Oh the poor cat... losing her babies and then getting injured... only to be repurposed as a filler-in for the neediest kitten...

    1. Normal cats usually refuse to foster other cats' kittens. Social cats, like Silver and her younger sister Pastel, normally share responsibility for kittens whether or not they're lactating. It seems to be healthier for females who have been pregnant to complete a lactation cycle...I hope Silver can, after losing her babies AND her pet AND her social role.

  3. Dasher Possum and Silver, quite a pair, trying to fight not only the wilds but man's disdain as well. The Hawks came to find the baby rabbits around here, killing and eating most of the bunny population. Rabbits and Alligaors are protected around hered, they were here first.

    1. Well, somebody has to keep rabbit populations in check, but those poor baby...jackrabbits?


  4. Poor Silver. I hope she gets better.

    1. As of Sunday evening the paw is still stiff and swollen, but Silver seems more like herself. Part of it is having learned to walk on three legs, of course. She is still spending most of the time lying down, but seems to be enjoying being an aunt.

      The swelling's not going down as fast as it should, unless what bit her was a spider...but she's not feverish, so at this point I'm hoping she'll be back to normal in a few more days.


  5. As a pet owner I understand the destruction of life by spraying poison. I hope Silver is doing well.

    1. As of Monday morning, a week later, the paw's no longer swollen, and Silver is using it, but walks as if it's still sore or stiff. I think it's healing.

      She is helping to feed the kittens...and she proudly introduced our next possum. I'm calling this one Drabble because it's drab and short.

      Silver no longer seems depressed or clingy, at all...just thirsty and inclined to spend time in the Loaf Position.
