Monday, June 10, 2024

Web Log for 6.1-9.24, a Week Spent Mostly Away from the Computer

Lots of good links came in this week! I just wasn't at the computer in time to share them day by day.


I've not read this one, yet. I hope to find a copy soon. It comes highly recommended.


You've seen Morgan Griffith's E-Newsletter on this topic. Here's Rand Paul:

Financial Aid, Other People Who Deserve, After This Web Site, Of Course  

David B. Clear just got booted out of Bolivia for being European. He went back to stay with family in Spain. His family could probably use some tangible evidence that he has fans in the English-speaking countries about now. Fan mail, especially the kind with bad monochrome pictures of cultural heroes and scenic buildings and monarchs and wildlife and such enclosed, is a great consolation for families of writers. It helps prevent discouraging conversations about how writers should have kept those nice steady jobs we used to have, waiting tables and selling cheap shoes. Those conversations are total, ChatGPT-worthy cliches. Help a deserving writer edit them out of his life.


This is out of season. In places that have a Carnival season, it comes between the Christmas season, which ends in mid-January, and the Lent season. In the US "carnival" with a lower-case c usually refers to what other English-speaking countries call fun fairs, temporary arrangements of pay-to-play games and rides, but the word actually comes from the Roman Catholic calendar, where the Carnival season was the Carne, vale! or "Meat, goodbye" time. It was time to eat up the winter's meat before it spoiled, before a "fast" of mostly or entirely vegetarian meals.  So, if you want to listen to this song in the most authentic and traditional way, bookmark the link and listen to the video in late January or February.


Every lawn should contain at least seven dandelions, at any given time, to prove good faith and commitment to clearing up the plague of useless poison-preserved "lawns," upgrading into front yards that contain flowers. Insufficient dandelions may raise suspicion of a person's having sprayed poisons outdoors, which this web site hopes to see recognized in law as a violent assault on human beings. 

Fairy tale rewritten in 44 words:

With all due sympathy (which the poem expresses) for the young, I think this poem works best as a reminder to the older to give thanks for what we're missing...

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