Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Book Review: Into the Dark

Title: Into the Dark

Author: A.J. Faris

Date: 2021

Publisher: A.J. Faris

Quote: "Darkness exists everywhere and never ends."

Something is wrong with the protagonist of this novel. She's not able to recognize, or acknowledge the existence of, evil. She confuses it with darkness, and she keeps blindly driving toward it, from page 1 where she's photographing the gruesome details of a murder, to page 71 where the story ends with a cliff-hanger as she meets the man who appears to have orchestrated all the bad things that have happened in the intervening seventy pages.

In theory you might want to watch the apparently innocent, or at least non-criminal, Amelia Carter fight it out with the drug lord Carver (given name still to be disclosed). I did not. I did not find the storyline believable or relatable at all. 

I don't mind a crime story, but I like my crime fighters to be aware that whatever causes people to murder other people is something different from the fact that the earth turns away from the sun for part of every day. Carter never does wake up, in this story. And so I'm not sure why I'd even want her to win. Carver is a sociopath, presumably, but Carter is somewhere on the sociopathic spectrum too.

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