Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Book Review: Secret Beach Sunsets

Title: Brookings Forever Secret Beach Sunsets Prequel

Author: Aleesha Brown

Date: 2023

Publisher: Aleesha Brown

Quote: "I do feel you need to...chill out a little."

Caroline decides to try doing "stereotypical teenage things" like admitting she's attracted to Elijah, who plays football. The story stops while the romance is still sweet and wholesome.

I'm not impressed, but that could be because I never chose to lose my mystique in high school. When you look too young to be in high school at all, there's a lot to be said for having a job after school and never having time to "hang out" outside of school hours. We're not told that Caroline is the baby-face type, so maybe her social image can survive a little cheapening.

I just remember being a teenager, wishing there were more stories about girls who have faith that True Love will find them, focus on their jobs or classes in high school, and choose real Partners for Life when they are twenty-five or thirty or so. 

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