Monday, June 24, 2024

Link Log for 6.21-22.24

Doing my best--staying on the computer late Friday, coming on a bit early Saturday--to sort through and share all the links in the e-mail and blog feed.


No (lie), Sherlock! 

Scientists note the first recognized use of a medicinal plant by an animal when a Sumatran orangutan male is seen treating a cheek wound with a poultice made of leaves, 2022

What took them so long was that they wanted to "recognize" an ape first. Everybody's known that cats eat grass as a purgative, all my life, at least, and probably long before that. Not all cats have access to pennyroyal, so I don't know how many cats would use it to terminate pregnancies if they had it, but I'm fairly sure that some of mine have done. And to what extent are animals' other food choices "medicinal," anyway? Even chickens will use foods to correct nutritional imbalances. Someone documented that even some caterpillars do.


My neighborhood used to include a neighbor--one of those who fell for the harassment campaign and sold a couple of acres to the Professional Bad Neighbor--who actually did have guns and backhoes. I miss him.

I got it from a site I can't guarantee all or even most readers will like, but some will. Sometimes he's funny:

(I've heard both "backhoes" and "excavators" used in this part of the Blue Ridge Mountains.)


Pursuant to Wednesday's discussion of things children misunderstand, the classic joke: For anyone who doesn't know, in California there is a beach (and town) called Big Sur. From the Spanish word sur, meaning south, because it was the open country south of Monterey. So, according to the story, a couple with a small child were driving in the direction of this place when they were pulled over by a policeman. Realizing he had been going a little faster than he ought to have been, the father tried to be polite and conciliating, calling the officer "Sir." It worked; the family were soon on their way with a warning, and as they motored along, the child said, "Daddy, was that man Big Sir?" 

And the joke to go with this song is that people who sing it believe in archaic creeds like socialism.


For those saying "I don't like this administration but I'm not going to bother to vote":

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