Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Book Review: Faking It

Title: Faking It

Author: J. Haney and S. Hayes

Date: 2020

Publisher: Haney Hayes

Quote: "That's me, Griffin Garnet. I'm a closer."

Competing for a promotion at the law firm where this is his claim to fame, Griffin decides he needs a girlfriend to help him fit in with the couples in the social circle he wants to join. He just happens to have a photo of a good-looking young woman to show people. But she's not a girlfriend; Griffin's not pursued a commitment before. The girl whose photo he shows people to prove he's not "gay" is actually a neighbor with whom he grew up being enemies. She's put on some weight, but she's cute, funny, and a good cook. All they've ever done is bicker like children...but he still knows where to find her. Why? 

No points for guessing why. This is a romance. Griffin is in love with Khloe. He has been for years; he's just been too busy competing with other boys to notice it. After some quarrelling, yelling, lots of bad language, ridiculous lies, and horseplay, they'll fall into bed and into love. 

It's not a sweet romance. The authors advise that it's for adults only. Which tells us who is likely to read it, but don't say your Auntie Pris said it was all right...Actually, your Auntie Pris knows that spiritual purity is not achieved by teenagers, though it's healthy for teenagers to build self-control, and your Auntie Pris prefers the idea of teenagers playing with themselves to the idea of teenagers making unwanted babies. In any case this book is not intended to be an aid to spiritual chastity, or even to self-control. It was meant to be a marital aid, for wives or couples who have a certain kind of sense of humor.

Personally I don't find either of the main characters lovable. But you might. If you like men who are working toward the goal of leaving a large estate behind when they succumb to cardiovascular disease in their thirties, and women who will, by that time, need all the money to try to get a grip on their own diabetes. Possibly you are a liposuctionist. If so you might like this book.

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