Saturday, June 22, 2024

Friday's Book Review: The Wedding

 Title: The Wedding

Author: Ella Walker Henderson

Date: 2023

Publisher: Ella Walker Henderson

Quote: "I look forward to our joint libraries."

For all who read "The Lady or the Tiger" and liked imagining themselves to be the hot-blooded barbarian princess, here is the opening story in a series about hot-blooded barbarian princesses whose kingdoms are at war. 

Each of these fantasy kingdoms has its "legendaries" who excel at a feat that symbolizes their kingdom isn some way. Jessamine is a princess of a tribe identified with fire; her father's throne room is protected by flames and specially "flameproof" servants. As a princess she's prepared to make a formal marriage for the good of the kingdom, but she's glad to turn down the apparently stupid prince of a tribe further south and take a more scholarly aristocrat from a tribe further north. 

There's not much plot in this "prequel" volume. Jessamine has never thought blue-eyed blonds were attractive but, after the betrothal is announced, she begins to bond with her bridegroom as a friend and decides she likes his face after all. 

And she's involved in a plot to take control of his kingdom. And war with those people further south whose prince she's rejected, whose "legendaries" ride fast horses, can't be far behind.

Ah, the life of a barbarian princess. If it appeals to you, at least as a fantasy in a series of books you can always lay down when you feel like takng a shower or mingling freely with people you trust, this series is for you.

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