Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Web Log for 6.18.24

Short, but fresh. I suppose this is where to put a Status Update:

The moving of the contents of the warehouse continues.

The first heat wave is doing alarming things to my old desktop computer monitor. For an electronic device it really is old--bought secondhand in 2006. It has outlasted a few newer models but a display of black letters on a charcoal-gray background, changing only when the heat and humidity do, is driving me to search for a newer model that won't hold up as long anyway

Regular posts for today are forthcoming, but they may be several hours late.

Censorship any other name, would smell as foul. Warning labels on sites where individuals interact honestly and directly, they want? What about special warning labels for sites dominated by the crazy, stupid, unworkable beliefs of the Loony Left? Belief that Big Government can guarantee you an income, regardless of whether or not you work, is after all certain to lead to disillusionment and angst.


Publius Huldah:

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