Monday, June 17, 2024

Web Log for 6.16.24

A short one, but on time.

Home Improvement

Maybe it's an effect of growing up in a family where all men and most women did some sort of construction work, as a job or parents did a lot of do-it-yourself home improvement, and when I grew up my husband and I did some, and then, the man known to cyberspace as my Significant Other and I went to restaurants and nature parks sometimes, but mostly what we did for dates was renovate old houses. I mean, isn't re-plumbing a Victorian house romantic? But I laughed at Home Is Where You Hang Yourself, I laughed at Homes and Other Black Holes, and I laughed at Barb Taub's story:

Politics (Election 2024)--Preemptive Wail You've Heard Here Before

As we have heard and heard and heard, President Biden is an old man. Former President Trump is also an old man. Candidate Kennedy could still be called middle-aged if he hadn't aged his body with stupid-rich-kid drug "experiments"; I believe God forgives people who took drugs while young and stupid, but their bodies never do. One factor that may boost Trump in the polls is that, currently, he looks the healthiest of the three. This could change.

Nufsed, correspondents. It is not news that all three candidates falter and dodder a bit now and then. Who doesn't? Those who don't, will. All three candidates are wide open to political criticism, and I'd be pleased if the political criticism were deeper and harsher than it is. All three are likely to say some interesting things while campaigning, defending or explaining or correcting their past mistakes; those things are news, and are worth reporting. That the candidates are old is not news. If you must mention it, please mention it in the way you want people to mention any grey hair, wrinkles, bulges, stiffness, or faltering of the voice you may display next year.

As we all grow older, some of us try to fight the effects of time, which some of us even mislabel ravages. (The effects of ill health are ravages.) I don't, particularly. Ill health is to work on. Time is to enjoy, to give thanks for the amount of it we have had and may still have. The effect of aging on me is that I really do not like it when other bloggers sneer at other people's aging. Hello? Youall (you know who you are) aren't likely to be mistaken for freshmen when you visit a college, any more, either. Not only will your time come--it has. So let's have a little respect for what the surviving members of the older generation have lived through.

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