Monday, June 17, 2024

Book Review: Dragons, Coffee, and Poisons

Title: Dragons, Coffee, and Poisons 

Author: Verena DeLuca

Date: 2020

Publisher: Aconite Cafe

Quote: "This secret menu is a list of the forever expanding Poison of the Week drinks at the cafe."

After a long shaggy-dog (or shaggy-cat) story about how some cats are dragons who assume cat form in order to come out of their caves and socialize with other dragons, this short book gives eight recipes for coffee-based beverages. Each one is named after a poisonous plant, but made with normal ingredients that are healthy in moderation. Flame lily suggests cinnamon candies, poisonous berries suggest raspberry syrup, etc. 

Recommended to coffee lovers with a sense of humor, this collection requires you either to have espresso machines and French presses or to befriend a friendly cafe barista (who should have both) to test the recipes. 

If you really enjoy this kind of humor, you will probably enjoy the longer murder mystery novels to which this mini-book was designed to be a trailer, too. 

And you can visit the Aconite Cafe, in cyberspace, at  

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