Monday, June 24, 2024

Book Review: Where There's a Will There's a Why

Title: Where There's a Will There's a Why

Author:  Nina Gill

Date: 2020

Publisher; Nina Gill


Will is the name of the pug dog in the pictures suggested by a short list of topics about which Gill thought parents need to talk with children: Chores, Hygiene, Global Warming, Poverty and Inequality, Bullies, Candy, Media, Plastic Pollution. 

Well, this is a picture book that suggests starting points for discussion. You, the parent, are free to discuss how speculation about "global climate change" has been exploited by people who don't want to do the work of fighting local warming, which really exists. You're free to discuss why greedheads encourage trend followers like Gill to talk about candy, which can erode teeth, rather than chemical pollution, which can actually kill people. You're free to discuss the exploitation of the COVID panic as a form of bullying.

But, in view of the actual layout of the book--bizarre type font, lots of white letters on pastel-colored backgrounds--you might prefer to print your own sermon notes in a readable font with black letters on white paper. 

And your review questions probably won't specify a junky food treat for children to demand.

Nina Gill deserves some props for encouraging parent-child communication, though more thought could have gone into this book.

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