Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review: Where There's a Will There's a Why

Title: Where There's a Will There's a Why

Author: Nina Gill

Date: 2021

Publisher: Nina Gll


In this picture book (or e-book), Will is a pug dog who appears in pictures the illustrator associated with various topics on which you, the parent, presumably want to offer moral guidance to your child...topics like personal hygiene, stranger danger, bullying, poverty and inequality, and global warming. 

Well, Will only offers suggestions. You, the parent, are free to talk to the child about the political exploitation of fears of "global" warming by people who don't want to make the effort to reverse local warming, You're free to talk about how the greedheads have carefully made sure that Will woofs about candy instead of chemical pollution, how the sugar in candy can erode your teeth but if there's chemical pollution in your vegan protein spread on wholemeal bread that can kill you. There's not a page about the COVID panic but there is one about bullying, which you can use.

But considering the way this book is printed, in a grotesque typefont with lots of white letters on pastel-colored backgrounds, you might find it easier to write your own sermon notes, using a standard typefont to show black letters on a white background, and maybe adding cute computer-generated pictures or even stories about your own cute animal character. 

Your character probably won't tell kids what specific, not necessarily healthy, food treat they should demand after answering the review questions.

In any case, Nina Gill has provided a list of topics to talk about with children. That's a start toward improving parent-child communication.

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