Thursday, February 14, 2013

HB 1398: Tax Credits for Preservation

Virginia House Bill 1398 will, if enacted, require our state budget to plan on giving out up to a million dollars per year in tax credits to reward people who donate land to those "conservation" and "preservation" groups.

Why is this bad? Because, in the event that these people's natural heirs wanted to sell a family farm to someone who could use it as a family farm, even if the heirs can't, these groups are obligated to "preserve" land from being used for homes and farms...ever again...until the groups collapse, the state goes bankrupt, and the land gets sold to Chinese coal companies. And people who want and need to be living on the land are living in horrible little "planned housing developments"...

This whole Agenda 21 story is still news to most Americans. It's breaking too fast. When Georgia's Representative Paul Broun proposed that the United States just withdraw from the United Nations, Karen Bracken seems to have expected that millions of people would swarm over to Popvox and endorse U.S. HR 75, and I think a lot of us are like "Whoa...what's this all about?"

I have to say this. Two years or even one year ago, my reaction to the Agenda 21 story, the idea that all "Green" legislation as distinct from individual Green choices is likely to be part of a land grab with a long-range goal of bankrupting the United States, would have been something like, "Chill out! This web site doesn't like panics." We still don't like panics. We still think Americans should keep our blood pressure low and enjoy what we still have. More strokes and heart attacks aren't going to help anything. But what changed my mind about Agenda 21 being a serious threat to the quality of North American life? Bill reading did. There've been just so many bills on the docket that make absolutely no sense unless you accept what Rosa Koire, Karen Bracken, Ileana Johnson Paugh, and more recently Glenn Beck and Harriet Parke are telling us about this U.N.-sanctioned effort to refight the Cold War...and they make absolutely perfect sense once you do.

Does that make the U.N. altogether bad? According to an e-mail she sent out this morning, Karen Bracken thinks so--it was supported by Communists at the beginning. Well, yes, but not much was going on at the time that wasn't being supported, or infiltrated, by Communists: the old Communist Party was deadly serious, fanatically dedicated, and they were everywhere, in the Scouts, in the churches, in the public schools, in the community service clubs, waiting for chances to sneak in suggestions and edge people further to the left. I'm not ready to give up my idealistic dream of an international organization that can be kept strictly in its place, as mediator not advisor to member countries; I am, however, convinced that that's not what we currently have in the U.N. I'm convinced that U.S. HR 75 or something similar is a better first approach to subduing U.N. power-lust than nuclear rearmament is.

And these Agenda 21 bills...they just keep coming, and frankly I'm sort of glad that I'm so far behind with this year's bill reading. I didn't even bother cluttering up their in-boxes with messages to the effect that I trust Delegate Kilgore and Senator Carrico to understand this mess--"as well as" I do would be an insult; they certainly ought to understand it better than I do; that's their full-time job. My part-time job is merely to report it, or some of it, to the public. And sure enough, most of the time their names are found on the right sides of bills, although it's probably better if we never know exactly what went on with that monstrosity where so many Delegates were trying to change their votes afterward.

And I'm not going to try to explain the content of three substantial books in one blog post. I'm frazzled. Brainfogged. I slept like ninety minutes last night. Can I just say that I don't like HB 1398 because it fits into Agenda 21, and move on to the next bill of which I have to say the same thing?

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