Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pris's Book: Alley Cat Tales

Per reader request, the first volume of the Patchnose Cat Family History has been written, will not appear on this web site, and is available to those of you who pay for it.

Alley Cat Tales is the true (in essence) history of the most interesting family of cats the Cat Sanctuary has seen or heard of. I didn't plan for a "baker's dozen" of stories to end around the point in time where this blog begins, but the stories seemed to come out that way.

As Yahoo readers may remember, the rule I used for telling these animals' stories was to "translate" their behavior into words. I have no idea what the animals think about human politics or religion, although for me they are both a religious and a political statement. I do know what they think about cat food (cheap is fine but it needs to be fresh) and being indoors (wide range of opinions) and one another (they love their family and are generous and hospitable to friends).

What they seem to think about the things they do seem to think about ought to be lively, edgy, and "adult" enough for anybody. And yes, the things the cats seem to think about include some details about my personal life that seem to be of interest to some online readers and will never appear at this web site.

Both animal and human conversations are fictionalized: the animals' because after all they don't speak English, and the humans' because only snippets of the things we really said are relevant to the story and there's no reason to drag a complete real-world conversation into a story that's not even about the humans who had it. However, the stories are fact-based.

In Alley Cat Tales regular readers will, for the first time, find out what became of Mackerel, meet Princess Grace, and learn the rest of the story about how I was able to part with Mogwai.

I'd like to sell reprint rights to a big-name publisher and turn this short book (I can squeeze it onto 20 single-spaced pages, but I won't ask you to read it that way) into a coffee-table book with big clear type and pretty pictures of mixed-breed cats...preferably featuring residents of the Sullivan County Animal Shelter in Blountville, Tennessee, where the Kingsport Times-News recently reported that, yes, two more super-social cats, not noticeably related to each other, had met and become friends.

Realistically, I suspect that my cats and my human family may be too edgy for a corporate publisher to consider, so I'm offering the text-only, hand-bound paperback version for the standard $5 + $5 shipping.

And if, after reading about the cats either here or in the book, you skeptically say "I don't believe cats are like that"...all I can say to you is: adopt two or more alley cats from Kingsport, Tennessee. Even in the Patchnose Family not every single cat has been "like that," but you never know what kind of cat you might meet in Kingsport. Some of them are amazing.

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