Thursday, August 15, 2024

Link Log for 8.14.24

With one link from 8.15.24...


Note on Monarch populations on the East Coast:


The story could be filed under several other headings. The part we can do something about is the censorship. The Christian-phobic judge doesn't want this dear old lady "spreading inflammatory material" during the election, as it might be by doing her job and paying her fine. Dear me, that does make this disgraceful presidential administration sound like a lot of haters--and cowards, afraid that they'll lose their job if their bigotry and abuse become known--and bullies, picking on a harmless praying grandmother instead of going after the troublemakers who really did break laws during the Censorship Riot. Let's all make sure their bigotry and abuse do become known to every voter in America. 

Wouldn't be a bad idea to start correcting "the January 6" whatever to the proper name of the event, either. It needs to go down in history as THE CENSORSHIP RIOT. Directly caused by censorship, which needs to be better recognized as the aid to criminal activity it really is.

Then...I was listening to the replay of the Trump speech, and I laughed out loud. Has the Biden Administration been an epic fail? Yes. But, has Mean Girl McTackypants been the worst Vice-President in history? Golly. It's not exactly an endorsement but the names of Calhoun, Breckenridge, and the three Johnsons, especially the loathsome Richard, leap to mind. 

And then this came in.

Well, y'know...if you censor the plain people who are not paying to advertise on X, such that we're not even watching, and you keep the flagging mechanism that allows a few Ds to report R posts as spam (or "hateful" or "hurtful"), you know that flagging mechanism is going to work the other way at some point. What goes around, comes around. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoot!

Investments, and Conflicts of Interests

Some things Ilhan Omar's done because of her bothersome Muslim loyalty, some things because she's very young, and some things because they were actually good things to do...but that's a lot of money to have invested in a company that's due for some heavy congressional scrutiny.

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