Friday, August 9, 2024

Book Review for 7.24.24: Bad Boy Bodyguard

Title: Bad Boy Bodyguard 

Author: Jenna Jax

Date: 2023

Quote: "Waking up after a night of heavy dirnking was far from pretty...and the sight of a naked man in my bed?"

For those who thought "Baywatch" and "Beverly HIlls 90210" were exciting, romantic TV shows, this is meant to be an exciting romance. Cute young people who have felt lust for each other for years finally get into bed, pushed together by a stalker whose antics make them drink harder and act more reckless than they normally do, which is very bad indeed.

The author insists that they've been good friends and worked together for a long time before she feels the need to enlist him as a bodyguard, but that's not the part of their story on which the author focusses. There's a lot more mention of body parts, some called by slang names that sound less "dirty" to some people than their proper names do, than I want to have spelled out on a computer screen. If you're in the mood for a little light porn, buy the printed book. 

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