Thursday, August 15, 2024

Book Review for 8.14.24: Take Down

Title: Take Down

Author: Blair Denholm

Date: 2020

Quote: "Jack Lisbon of the London Metropolitan Police was advised by his boss to apply to Australia's Queensland Police Service."

He's in a bit of trouble back in London. Jack Lisbon does not always stick to police procedure and, although the man he's killed will never be missed, killing him wasn't very legal. So it's with some guilt and fear that he goes into an Australian bank to change some cash.

That's when the two drug-wasted robbers break into the bank and take both tellers and the whole queue of customers hostage. 

Jack doesn't like bank robbers who hit young women and kick older people around. While standard police "negotiation" gets the hostages some take-out food but no hope of getting safely home, Jack thinks of a plan. It's not proper police procedure at all. It's violent and gets Jack arrested, but he knows he'll be home in time for a proper meal and workout. 

Anyone who fantasizes about just cutting through the red tape and having a real bash at crime should enjoy this short book and, of course, the series it's meant to sell. 

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