Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Petfinder Post: Saturday Is Black Cat Appreciation Day

Saturday has been declared Black Cat Appreciation Day. So, here are some black cats who need appreciation, as in adoption. 

1. Zipcode 10101: Hudson and Henry 

Somebody let kittens be born and dumped the two males out on the bank of the Hudson River. Rescuers named the little fellows Henry and Hudson. Hudson is the one who qualifies for today's photo contest, further from the camera in this photo but they say he's the bold leader. Hudson, the black and white one, is the "sweet" one, slower to snuggle up to people but "more accepting" of human silliness when he does snuggle. They are little bundles of energy who need a room where they can zoom around and knock things over without destroying them, and only the kind of plants they can safely nibble on. They have already been neutered. They are said to like a good cuddle when they're not racing and chasing.

They'll mellow out and become old dozy cats in a few years, but that bouncy-pouncy kitten stage is so much fun! 

2. Zipcode 20202: Isla 

She won the photo contest, fair and square, but there's another reason to choose this half-grown mother cat. (No information was provided about her kittens.) She's available as a foster pet. You agree to let other people meet her if they're willing to pay the full adoption fee, and meanwhile you get to find out whether she'll be worth the fee to your family, free of charge. Seriously, a lot of young mother cats get into shelters JUST because somebody saw what sweet, lovable kittens they were but was too cheap or too lazy to pay for a simple operation...or keep the kittens. If people want to show their children how babies come into this world, they ought to show the children how babies are brought up, at least.

3. Zipcode 30303: Posey

Well, obviously, she likes to pose. More photos and videos of her classic Persian face are on her web page. She's obviously been a pet but she was found wandering about in a park, looking for a new home. Unlike many long-haired cats, she encourages people to fondle the gorgeous fluffy coat on her underside. She's not used to sharing a home with other animals and would probably prefer to be the only pet. If you've always wanted a long-haired fluffball but heard that they can be grumpy, this sounds like your chance to adopt a sweet one who actually likes being groomed and petted.

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