Monday, August 5, 2024

Book Review for 7.15.24: The Recipient

Title: The Recipient

Author: Shail Rajan

Quote: "Just another one of the reasons I love living in Sycamore Ridge!"

There is probably an actual book by this name somewhere. What I received from Book Funnel was one of those cheeseparing "first few chapters of a book" messes, and in this case it's messier than usual. On page one a man is apparently about to be hit by a truck while talking on a cellphone at the intersection. On page two, "Six Years Later," nobody seems to be missing him. So, did he survive, and is he the man with the same given name and a different family? Or what? Then there's a shy, scruffy man who's attracted to a take-charge-chic yuppie woman who's improbably attracted to him too, and there's a realtor, and there's a burnt-out, drugged-out musician, and more. 

A person who had nothing else to do might, after reading this muddle, buy the full-length book to see if these people ever interact with one another and form a story. I have several other things to do. 


  1. Thanks for coming by the blog today and also for mentioning Miriam's Well. I will have to look for that one. It sounds illuminating. I know what you mean here about "having other things to do." Life is too short for books that don't grab you at least a little bit!

    1. (Google is pretending not to recognize me on my own blog, in the hope of getting permission to clutter the computer with a few extra cookies. Funny, silly Google. I'm Pris cilla King.)

      Thanks for visiting, Jeanie, and yes, I really liked Miriam's Well. It's a very "different" book, but should interest all Bible mavens.
