Thursday, August 15, 2024

Book Review for 8.12.24: The Bleeding Carpets

Title: The Bleeding Carpets 

Author: B.P. Stevens

Date: 2022

Quote: "The girls Tyler...knew he could treat better, were always going after dogs."

There's not much of a mystery about this short story of suspense. There's a question: Should people like Tyler be considered insane? He understands so many things so well. He just seems to think it's all right for him to kill the couples he envies.

The Banality of Evil has often been remarked upon. Once they've been solved, most crime stories are not very original, don't leave us with any fresh insights: we already knew that envy is a Deadly Sin. If you like detective stories because they end a series of crimes, at least in the fictional world, you might enjoy The Bleeding Carpets. If you like them because they usually offer a logical puzzle to solve, pick another book.

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