Friday, August 30, 2024

Book Review: Going All In

Title: Going All In

Author: R.G. Peterson, aka Robert Peterson

Date: 2019

Publisher: GNM

Quote: "My life as a professional gambler...had become boring and predictable, until my housemate, Samantha Summers, asked me to tag along on a murder she was hired to investigate."

For a certain type of man, Samantha Summers is the perfect fantasy heroine: 6'1", martial artist, private investigator, bar drinker, steak-and-potatoes eater, man-hating lesbian. She tolerates the narrator, Aaron Chancellor ("Chancy" to his friends, "Ace" to her), as a sort of brother-surrogate she constantly puts down, so of course he wants her even more, because she's a safe woman to want, because he'll never actually get her. They're housemates, but he pays all the rent.

But that's not the end of the p.c. casting. The prime suspect is a Black basketball player. He is, of course, innocent. Samantha, of course, knows that from the beginning, not even because she heeds her intuition, but because that's the p.c. way the story can go. The White racist, who talks as if he would have been seventy years old in 1979 rather than 2019, would be too easy a guess, but he'll go to jail too. 

Well, sexist men get bashed thoroughly in this book, which may soothe some women's bruised souls, but let's just say I'm not likely to pay for any of the other Samantha Summers books. As a cjaracter she's such a perfect archetypal dominatrix that there's no room left for her to be believable as a human.But if you want to be, or worship the feet of, the perfect archetypal dominatrix you may want the whole series.

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