Saturday, August 3, 2024

Book Review for 7.7.24: Octave of Stars

Title: Octave of Stars

Author: Zephyr Thomas

Date: 2022

Publisher: ZMT Books

ISBN:  979-8-218-13164-7

Quote: "His palm might have scalded anything he touched."

Ash is a nice Christian college boy (specifically a Catholic) who just happens to have the superpower of Fire. As a restaurant cook, he can always brown things just right with his bare hands. He can do other fiery things, too; while practicing he incurred criminal charges for accidental arson. Ash is lucky to have found a flatmate, also a good Catholic, who has the superpower  of Water. People think they're a couple, but they're not; their relationship is still about finding how their powers work together. For one thing Cascadia rigs up a thermostat on Ash's bed to make sure he doesn't burn down the building in a dream.

So naturally, when Cas disappears, Ash starts looking for her. While tracing her he just happens to meet people who have superpowers of Light, Air, Seed, and other forces of nature. It turns out that Drake Frost, who has the superpower of Dark, has invented an energy prism that he claims will power the world forever, but a few of these "Stars," people with superpowers, will have to be sealed inside it for at least ten years, which they may or may not survive. 

The challenge is of course for the eight "Stars" to defeat Drake without harming anybody. They're all good Catholics; they don't want to be violent. Special effects for the potential movie include awesome visions and slapstick comedy scenes. (Not harming people does not rule out spanking them.) 

Readers will learn a fair bit about Catholic prayers and beliefs, while enjoying a uniquely wacky and delightful fantasy adventure, if they read this book. 

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