Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Post: If You Love Your Neighbor As Yourself...

To love my neighbor as myself
Is not to love his wicked ways.
If I'd done what one neighbor's done
Kindness would end my wasted days.

Few neighbors are as bad as that.
For many, love's to leave alone,
Reduce the stress of crowded life,
Let names and business be unknown.

Love's not emotion, but an act.
What act is that? Ask the one you love,
Stop squirming, face the dreaded fact;
By grace, distaste we rise above.

What people want won't always be
The thing that serves their Highest Good;
But if it's not wrong in itself
We can show that we've understood.

One wants an odd job, one a sale;
One wants a rootstock from your rose;
One wants your porch light off at night;
One wants to buy some of your clothes.

It can't be done all at one time,
Yet'twould not take a lot of labor
For most of us to make progress
Toward real love of every neighbor. 


  1. I like these reflections on what loving one's neighbour really means in practice. Making progress in it is certainly a worthy goal to aspire to, and keep on aspiring to, more realistic than trying to achieve the ideal all at once.

  2. But if it's not wrong in itself
    We can show that we've understood. - to embrace differences....makes all the difference!
