Sunday, August 18, 2024

Link Log for 8.16-17.24

We're still getting the oppressive humidity that precedes the Edge. I hear alarming reports about Hurricane Ernesto. Usually when there's anything to these August hurricane stories it seems to be a long way from where anyone I know is at the time. If this is the year the hurricane approaches any relatives' homes, they're welcome at the Cat Sanctuary. 


Despite Charlotte's Web, despite "Spider-Man," a "Family Feud" survey a few years ago found that the usual small sample of 100 men admitted more fear of spiders than they did of death and of most kinds of embarrassment. This fellow in Nova Scotia sets out to debunk some of the fears of spiders that often enter houses. Spider video: 

Politics (Election 2024)

Vice-President Tackypants blames corporate greed for inflation? Yes. Corporations are greedy. Prices double while quality control tanks; whoever, before this administration, heard of salmonella being a regular contaminant in several different brands of peanut butter? You used to have to get it from either infected meat or eggs, or polluted water. Now vegetarians can get salmonella from peanut butter. For which they're paying twice what they paid in the years when peanut butter was safe to give to children. 

(David French says that some prices haven't quite doubled yet. Depends on what you're buying. What used to be in my school lunches was JFG peanut butter, which was sugar-free and tasted like ground-up salted peanuts, every time, because we never let it go rancid, and it also came in quart jars you could scrub and boil and reuse for canning, and my parents paid a dollar at the neighborhood store. Now you can't get JFG any more; all the peanut butter in the stores has that yucky rancid-sweet taste, and a lot of it also contains salmonella, and it comes in single-use hard-to-recycle plastic pots and costs four dollars a pint at Wal-Mart.)

So what was she expecting? Corporate executives are going to say, "By listening to the World Health Organization and panicking about silly little coronavirus, we've worked ourselves into a real economic depression. In order to keep our product reasonably priced for all the people who are out of work and may have lost their homes, all management and higher level employees of our company have vowed to work for the minimum hourly wage until employment and ownership of private houses, with garden space, by young working parents, are back up to a sustainable level." Right. And Tinkerbell really did get well because the children clapped their hands, too.

Clue alert, Tackypants: Government is supposed to apply a check on corporate greed. Through due democratic process, of course, not through "executive orders," but for a start this administration could have been true to its D roots and denounced all censorship that was used to interfere with the democratic process. 


I'm not happy with the site's decision to promote what they think is "more popular" ahead of what you actually are searching for. They hired some brainy little boy with a bizz-ad degree, trained to destroy the friendly promote-one-another atmosphere and turn Zazzle into another outlet for corporate brand junk. So I don't spend time on Zazzle these days. I did go there to design a "Girl Scouts Selling Cookies Welcome" sign, because another blogger said she wanted one. If you want one, too, here's the link:

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